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При работе на вебкам сайтах запрещается:
Покидать камеру или спать во время трансляции.
В кадре не могут появляться несовершеннолетние и люди, которые не разрешены для трансляции на аккаунте.
Намеренно отвлекаться на длительное время от трансляции (звонить или писать смс на телефоне, отворачиваться или разговаривать долгое время с посторонними за кадром).
Обмениваться, давать, запрашивать или принимать персональные данные или контактную информацию.
Обманывать по поводу шоу в привате или чаевых. Если обещаете - должны сделать.
Обманывать по вопросу пола.
Животные и питомцы в кадре.
Размещать ссылки или рассказывать о других вебкам чатах.
Запрашивать или принимать оплату вне чата.
Запрещены все действия сексуального характера запрещенные законодательством вашей страны.
Транслировать или показывать видео-записи на трансляции.
Трансляция в сильном алкогольном опьянении.
Нарушение правил при работе на вебкам сайтах может привести к денежному штрафу (от 5 $ до 50 $) либо блокировке аккаунта - на время или перманентно (навсегда). Постарайтесь запомнить данный список из 12 пунктов и строго следовать ему.
In force: 1st June 2022.
The general terms and conditions apply to Grand Online Service Limited Liability Company (company registration number: 01-09-398065; tax number: 27790814-2-42; registered office: 1089 Budapest, Korányi Sándor utca 4. 4.; e-mail-address: [email protected]) as a service provider and the Content provider specified in the ndividual contract contain contractual terms and conditions for the providing online Content provider activity.
Terms used in this agreement:
General Terms and Conditions: This contract
Individual Contract: A contract containing personal information about the Content provider, which contains statements regarding the knowledge and acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. It can even be an digital form.
Agreement: The Individual Contract and the General Terms and Conditions that become part of it.
Service provider: Grand Online Service Limited Liability Company (company registration number: 01-09-398065; tax number: 27790814-2-42; registered office: 1089 Budapest, Korányi Sándor utca 4. 4 .; represented by: Mayer Leonid managing director; e-mail-address: [email protected])
Data controller: In terms of data management, the Service Provider
Content provider: The Content provider specified in the Individual Contract
Data subject: In terms of data management, the Content provider
Party: Service Provider and Content provider separately
Parties: Service Provider and Content provider Together
User(s): A third party consumer who consume the Content published on the Website, regardless of its free or paid form.
Fee: The amount paid to the Content provider in the currency specified in the Individual Agreement, which is determined after the token amount paid by the Users.
Website: grandmodels.online
Studio: The content producer who has a contractual relationship with the Service Provider and who creates Content for the Website with the personal participation of the Content provider.
Live Content: Non-post-edited content available on the Website as part of a streaming service that is available to Users at the same time as it is published.
Recorded Content: Content published on the Website is typically post-edited content that is continuously available after publication.
Content: Live Content and Recorded Content together
The Parties agree that the Service Provider shall provide to the Content provider - if necessary with the participation of the Studio - that Content is produced about the activities of the Content provider and that the Content about the Content provider is presented on the Website. Service Provider contributes to making the Content about the Content provider available in the account specified on the Website.
The Service Provider shall be entitled to impose any aesthetic or external appearance requirements on the Content provider, so the Content provider shall be not entitled to object to the aesthetic or external appearance requirements.
Content provider acknowledges that the Content may appear on the Website only with the consent of the Service Provider. Content provider shall be not obliged to provide the Live Content.
Content provider declares that it is aware that its activities are performance-based, so it is entitled to the Fee only under the conditions specified in the Agreement.
The Parties expressly state that this Agreement is not an employment contract.
Due to the personal nature of the Agreement, the Content provider is only entitled to act in person.
Parties agree that Users of the Website will use the Website with a money replacement token which may be purchased while using the Website. The Users – during Users are entitled but not obliged to express their satisfaction with the quality of the Live Content or the service provided by the Content provider by token payment when using certain features of the Website, in particular when viewing the Live Content provided by the Content provider. The Content provider is entitled to set the minimum token payment requirement with the consent of the Service Provider.
The Parties agree that for each token paid by the Content provider during the Live Content or the service provided by the Content provider, the Content provider shall be entitled to the amount specified in Appendix 1 in foreign currency or the equivalent in EUR or HUF, depending on the currency regulated in the Individual Agreement. The parties expressly agree to accept payment in the following crypto-currencies:
- Bitcoin
- Tether USDT
Content provider is aware that the Service Provider does not examine that the settlement currency of Bank account for payment of a Fee specified in the Individual Contract corresponds to the required currency thus, in the event of a discrepancy, the loss resulting from the selling and buying rate applied by the bank shall be borne by the Content provider.
The Fee is determined as a gross amount, so if the Content provider is required to pay VAT, the Fee will include VAT.
The Fee is accounted in the period specified in the Individual Agreement but at least monthly. (settlement period) The Content provider is entitled for the Fee immediately after the settlement period.
The Content provider declares that he/she/they is an capable of acting and adult natural person under Hungarian law. The Service Provider is entitled and obliged to check the age of the Content provider through the valid personal identification documents of the Content provider, to which the Content provider expressly consents.
Content provider shall not claim – nor for business purposes - or make any direct reference to that he/she/they has not yet reached the age of 18.
The activities of the Content provider shall not be directed towards prostitution or the promotion of prostitution and shall not be directed against the freedom of sexual life and sexual morality.
During the activities of the Content provider, it is obliged to refrain from any behavior aimed at organizing a personal meeting with the Users, even for sexual purposes.
In the course of its activities, the Content provider may not engage in conduct in which it has come into contact with Users in a manner that circumvents this Agreement in a manner that results in the achievement of more favorable remuneration terms than this Agreement.
Only third parties other than the Content provider, who have been approved in advance by the Service Provider, may appear in the Content.
The Content provider warrants to all third parties involved in the production of the Content that he/she/they is a healthy and inactive carrier of sexually transmitted diseases and that he/she/they is not a carrier of other life-threatening or incurable infectious diseases, including, but not limited to, retroviruses, viruses, bacterial, fungal and amoebic infections.
Only third parties other than the Content provider, who have been approved in advance by the Service Provider, may appear in the Content.
If the Content provider has a sexual relationship with a third party involved in the production of the Content, which includes the possibility of mixing body fluids (saliva, blood, semen), the Content provider must participate in a screening for sexually transmitted diseases within 14 days prior to the sexual act. If the result of the screening test is positive for any of the cases of syphilis, tripper, chlamydia, mixed bacterial infection, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, other fungal infections affecting the genitals, herpesvirus, human papillomavirus, HIV, AIDS, a sexual act may be made during the production of the Content with the written consent of the a third party involved. The Content provider must share the original results of the screening with any third party involved in the production of the Content with whom a sexual act is committed.
The Service Provider shall not be liable for any claims for compensation and damages against the Content provider arising from the transfer of infectious diseases or inadequate information.
The Content provider is obliged to do everything possible to prevent unwanted pregnancies resulting from sexual intercourse. A Content provider may assert any claim arising out of a pregnancy resulting from the intervention of the other party involved in the sexual act only with the express consent of the other party.
Content provider, if it has a sexual relationship with a third party during the production of the Content, is obliged to ensure the basic hygiene of all body surfaces and body openings and the oral cavity affected by the sexual act.
In all cases, the European Parliament and the Council (EU) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46 shall apply to the processing of personal data. 2016 C67 on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information, hereinafter CDII on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information (hereinafter GDPR) Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Info Act”).
Data subject: Any natural person identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, on the basis of any information.
Personal Data: Any information about an identified or identifiable natural person; identify a natural person who, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to one or more factors such as name, number, location, online identifier or physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person identifiable.
Special personal data: Personal data referring to racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, as well as genetic and biometric data for the unique identification of natural persons, health data and data on the sexual life or sexual orientation of natural persons .
Data Management: Any information about an identified or identifiable natural person on personal data or data files; identify a natural person who, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to one or more factors such as name, number, location, online identifier or physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person any identifiable operation or set of operations, whether automated or non-automated, such as collecting, recording, organizing, segmenting, storing, transforming or altering, querying, accessing, using, transmitting, distributing or otherwise making available, coordinating or linking , restriction, deletion or destruction
Data processing: The performance of technical tasks related to data management operations, regardless of the method and means used to perform the operations and the place of application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data;
Data transfer: Making the data available to a specific third party
Consent: A voluntary, unambiguous statement of the data subject's intention, based on appropriate and informed information, by which he or she indicates his or her consent to the processing of personal data concerning him or her by means of a statement or other unambiguous expression of his or her will.
Privacy Incident: A breach of data security that results in the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized transfer, disclosure, or unauthorized access to personal information that is transmitted, stored, or otherwise handled.
Legal basis for data management
The Data Controller shall treat the data set out below, as defined in Article 6 of the GDPR, provided that the processing of personal data is lawful only if and to the extent that at least one of the following is met:
the data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR - data subject's consent)
the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract in which the data subject is required by one of the parties or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of the contract (Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR - performance of a contract)
the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to the controller (Article 6 (1) (c) GDPR - fulfillment of a legal obligation)
the processing is necessary for the protection of the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person (Article 6 (1) (d) GDPR - protection of vital interests)
necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of a public authority conferred on the controller (Article 6 (1) (e) GDPR – fulfill a public task)
the processing is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the controller or of a third party, unless those interests take precedence over the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require the protection of personal data, in particular where the child concerned (Article 6 GDPR ( Paragraph 1 (f) - enforcement of a legitimate interest)
Data transmission
Personal data will only be transferred within the limits specified by law, and in the case of our data processors, we ensure that they may not use the personal data of the Content provider for purposes contrary to the consent of the Content provider. Service provider does not transfer data abroad.
The court, the prosecution and other authorities (eg police, tax office, National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority) may contact our office for information, disclosure or provision of documents. In these cases, we must comply with our obligation to provide information, but only to the extent strictly necessary to achieve the purpose of the request.
Rights of Data subject
Right of access: The data subject may have access to his or her personal data. If the data subject requests the data controller to provide feedback on whether he or she handles his or her personal data, the data controller is obliged to provide information within the framework set by law. In some cases, the Data Controller will not receive his or her personal data from the data subject. In such cases, it is presumed that the person from whom we obtained the data was entitled to provide it to us. If we do not receive the data from the data subject, our obligation to inform the data subject is limited. Nevertheless, the Data Controller is at the request of the data subject at all times upon the request of the data subject and provides the requested information within the framework of the legislation. The data subject's right to receive feedback on whether or not the Data Controller handles his or her personal data extends to personal data relating to him or her, but does not extend to non-personal data relating to him or her. The controller shall provide access to and a copy of your personal data at the request of the data subject. If the data subject requests an additional / repeated copy of his / her personal data, the Data Controller may charge a reasonable fee to pay the administrative costs incurred in connection with the execution of the request, which the data subject shall bear.
Right to rectification: The data subject has the right to rectify his personal data. This right extends to personal data concerning him; and does not cover non-personal data. At the request of the data subject, the controller shall, within the framework of the law, correct or supplement his personal data accordingly and inform the recipients of such personal data (if any) of the correction of the personal data, unless it proves impossible or disproportionate effort to inform the recipients. .
Right to delete: The data subject has the right to delete his or her personal data. The Data Controller shall delete the personal data of the data subject without undue delay if the data controller processes such personal data and the data subject requests the deletion of his or her personal data and the personal data are not necessary for the purposes for which the Data Controller processes the personal data or withdraws your consent on which the processing of your data is based and there is no other legal basis for further processing of your data. The controller shall inform the recipients of such personal data (if any) of the deletion of the personal data of the data subject, unless it would be impossible or disproportionate to inform the recipients.
Right to restrict: The data subject has the right to restrict the processing of data, which includes the right to restrict the processing of his or her personal data upon request; and does not cover non-personal data. The data controller shall restrict the processing of the customer's personal data for the period during which the data subject verifies the accuracy of such data if the data subject requests a restriction on the processing of his personal data and the customer disputes the accuracy of such data. The controller shall restrict the processing of the data subject's personal data if the data subject requests a restriction on the processing of data the processing of which is unlawful and the data subject expressly objects to the deletion of such data. The controller restricts the processing of the data subject's personal data if the data subject requests a restriction on the processing of his or her personal data and the data controller no longer needs this data for the purpose of processing the data subject The controller shall inform the recipients of such personal data (if any) of any restrictions on the processing of the personal data of the data subject, unless it would be impossible or disproportionate to inform the recipients. If the controller restricts the processing of the data subject's personal data, he or she may store such personal data, process such personal data with the consent of the data subject, process personal data for the purpose of asserting, enforcing or protecting his or her legal claim or protecting the rights of a person.
Right to data portability: The data subject has the right to receive personal data concerning him or her made available to a data controller in a structured, widely used machine-readable format and to transfer this data to another data controller without being hindered ( where technically possible) the controller to whom the personal data have been made available, if the processing is based on consent or necessary for the performance of a contract and the processing is automated. The data subject's right to data portability extends to personal data concerning him or her; and does not cover non-personal data.
Data protection
The controller shall take appropriate measures to protect the data against, in particular, unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as accidental destruction and damage, and loss of access due to changes in the technology used. In this context, you comply with the current IT security guidelines.
Legal remedy
If you have any questions, suggestions or objections, please contact the Data Controller. The Data Subject may lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority or initiate proceedings (https://naih.hu/panaszuegyintezes-rendje.html). Supervisory Authority: National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority Headquarters: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11; Mailing address: 1363 Budapest, Pf .: 9. Telephone: +36 (1) 391-1400; Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410; E-mail address: [email protected]; Website: https://naih.hu/. If the Data Subject considers that his / her personal data is being processed unlawfully by the Data Controller, he / she may, at his / her choice, apply to the court competent according to the domicile of the Data Controller or the court competent according to the place of residence or stay of the Data Subject. The Data Controller reserves the right to change the provisions of this Privacy Policy from time to time.
The scope of the given data is: Surname and first name; Birth surname and first name; Nationality; Place and date of birth; Mother's birth surname and first name; Address or place of residence; ID number; Official ID card number; Driving license number; Artist's name; Sexual orientation and preference, No; The purpose of data management is to fulfill an assignment contract; Duration of data management: From the termination of the business relationship or the execution of the transaction order 5 The data subject expressly consents to the processing
Content provider expressly consents to the use or utilization of the Content containing its image and the artist's name used by the Content provider by the Service Provider or Studio or a third party designated by them.
In connection with the utilization of the Content, the Content provider shall not make any other claim in addition to the Fee to the Service Provider, the Studio or a third party.
The Content provider expressly consents to the Service Provider transforming the Content created through its contribution for other purposes identical to or similar to the original decree of the Content, or producing other new content.
The Content provider expressly consents to the use of the Content by the Service Provider even for the purpose of advertising its own service.
The termination of the Agreement does not affect the Service Provider's rights regarding the usability of the Content.
The Agreement is concluded on the day of signing the Individual Contract or, if the Agreement is concluded electronically by filling in a digital form, on the day of confirmation by the Service Provider and lasts indefinitely.
The Service Provider shall immediately correct the data entry errors that occurred during the filling in of the digital form, if the Content provider so requests in a letter sent to the Service Provider's e-mail address.
The Service Provider is obliged to confirm the conclusion of the Contract electronically within 3 working days.
The electronic contract is a written contract, which the Service Provider issues to the Content provider simultaneously with the electronic confirmation. The language of the Agreement is Hungarian.
The Content provider is required to provide a copy of both sides of the valid identity document at the same time as completing the digital form portrait photo and portrait photo shared with personal document.
The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally amend the General Terms and Conditions by notifying the other party 30 days prior to the entry into force of the amendment, as well as by publishing the General Terms and Conditions consolidated with the amendments on page https://grandmodels.online/privacy_policy In the event that the other Party does not object to the amendment within 15 days of its publication, the amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted by it.
The Individual Agreement may be amended in writing by the Parties by mutual consent.
If the Content provider does not participate in the production of the Content for 6 months, no new Content will be published on the Website, the Agreement will expiry on the last day of the 6th month.
The Parties may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other Party.
Service Provider maximizes its liability for 500 USD.
The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Content provider as a result of the failure of the Website.
The Content provider states that it does not enforce a claim for damages against the Service Provider for the loss of profit.
The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages resulting from sexually transmitted diseases affecting the Content provider, as well as for damages and costs incurred due to unwanted pregnancies.
Legal statements related to the Contract may be made in writing in Hungarian.
Electronic communications shall be deemed to be written communications by the Parties if they are sent by the Party sending the electronic message from the electronic mail address specified in the Agreement to the electronic mail address specified in the Agreement by the receiving Party.
Consignments addressed to the other Party shall be deemed to have been delivered on the date on which they are received by the other Party. In the event that the postal item is returned with the indication “not sought”, “moved” or “insufficient addressee”, the item shall be deemed delivered on the fifth (5th) working day after the unsuccessful delivery. (Delivery Fiction) A message sent in the course of electronic communication, if sent by the Party sending the electronic message from the electronic mail address specified in the Contract to the electronic mail address specified in the Contract, shall be deemed to have been delivered on the working day following the day of sending. (Delivery Fiction)
The Parties expressly agree that the nullity or invalidity of certain provisions of the Agreement shall not affect the Agreement as a whole. The parties expressly agree that one or more provisions of this Agreement or any other document signed in connection therewith shall be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, and shall not in any way affect or impair the validity, legality or enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement. The Parties agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, invalid provisions shall be replaced by existing provisions having the same or similar economic effect, and the Parties shall retain the original intent expressed in the invalid provisions.
The Parties stipulate the jurisdiction of the Hungarian court in case of settlement of legal disputes, by stipulating the jurisdiction of the Buda Central District Court depending on the jurisdiction.
This Agreement is governed by Hungarian law. In matters not regulated in this Agreement, the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code shall prevail.
The parties expressly waive the right to challenge a manifest disproportionate value.
This Agreement has been drawn up in Hungarian and English version, however, in the event of any discrepancy between the Hungarian and English translations, the provisions in Hungarian shall prevail.
These Terms and Conditions shall apply to agreements entered into after 1st June 2022.