How to Keep and Not Push Away a Member in a Private Chat?

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What exactly attracts the client?

The presence of many privates is a confirmation that the webcam model is popular and her work has become in demand. But why does it happen that some girls have no end of customers, and the others continue to wait for their finest hour? How does the viewer choose a model for themselves? Let's have a closer look at these problems.

Before choosing a model, the visitor looks at the preview photo of each of them and chooses the girl whose photo they liked the most. It is unlikely that the client will be attracted by a low quality photo, even if there is a beautiful model in it.

Everything plays a role here: from the angle to the expression on the face. The model should take care of such little things as background, color scheme, smile, etc.

In any case, whatever is depicted in the picture should attract the client. In the future, the viewer can change his opinion about the girl by getting to know her better. But, until she has become successful, she needs to try to "lure" as many viewers as it’s possible.

What stimulates the viewer and contributes to the prolongation of the broadcast?

Enticing look, excitement in the eyes, sexuality, openness and friendliness, non-standard behavior. A big plus will be a sense of humor and the usage of certain fetishes during the broadcast. There is already a big number of sexy models. But not all of them have sexuality, which can be emphasized with latex or a toy for adults, well… then it would be a completely different story. Experienced models arouse the interest of customers with their shows and advertising. At the same time, you can advertise on the air not only yourself as a model, but also the accessories that were used.

What can alienate a member?

Advertising and the preview pictures, that’s only one part of a big chane. It happens that a client pays for a private session, but finishes it after a few minutes. Perhaps the user did not like the behavior of the model or some part of their body. After all, it is difficult to determine from an electronic picture what the model actually looks like. Girls who do not show their face are silent during the broadcast - they do not arouse trust and desire to continue communication, so privates end very quickly.

Sometimes not having a good pose is enough to spoil the impression. Sometimes models sit or move in a way that it looks absolutely unattractive to the users. All this can become a big minus and alienate a member.

Boredom in the eyes, insincerity, grimacing or just a sad face – you can instantly lose one potential client. A person goes to private in order to relax and to have fun. And when they see a complete lack of interest from what is happening on the model's face, the feeling of the discomfort arises. The man quickly leaves the air.


The conclusion is very simple. If you want to become a successful webcam model, then shine, share your energy with the audience, be positive and exciting. Do not be afraid to joke and so you will quickly gain popularity and become successful and highly-paid.